A group of people happily surprised by their screenprinting results

What We Do

We are delighted to have been awarded the Social Enterprise of the Year in Homeless Link’s Excellence Awards for 2020. For this achievement, Homeless Link commissioned this film to be made about our work which we think explains quite nicely what we do.

Our focus is on people on the edges of society, people who do not have good opportunities to grow in their strengths and to build stability for themselves.

Two women preparing food in the Handcrafted kitchen


Handcrafted offers a variety of training activities, such as woodwork, catering and crafts, within a positive and welcoming community environment. We empower people to create things that serve as a reminder of their creativity, capability and potential, emboldening them to turn their own lives around.

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Refurbished living room and kitchen of a Handcrafted property


We offer supported housing, giving people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness the opportunity to create a stable home for themselves. Our residents are encouraged to build a sense of ownership over their space through choosing how they would like to decorate their own homes. Each home is linked to one of our activity hubs to help our residents connect with the Handcrafted community.

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Two Handcrafted kitchen trainees giving the thumbs up


We come alongside our trainees, working shoulder-to-shoulder with them to walk through the specific challenges they face. We do this in a variety of ways, whether helping them to establish healthy coping strategies for struggles they are going through, finding positive activities to do together, assisting with filling in forms, and so much more. We recognise that support cannot be ‘one size fits all’ and therefore strive to make it both person-centred and holistic.

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People working together in a Handcrafted kitchen


We make ways for our trainees to progress into helping roles within Handcrafted, giving them the opportunity to learn and use new skills and grow into confidence. This includes helping with our different enterprise projects, such as screen printing and plastics work, volunteering in our cafe, The Shakey, or creating beautiful commissioned work for external clients and customers in our workshops.

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Image depicting someone helping another person up a mountain


There are countless challenges and barriers between our Fairchance service users and a healthy, productive and satisfying life.

We often use the term ‘chaotic lifestyle’ to describe the multitude of issues they face, and we contrast this lifestyle with an ideal that is secure, positive, stable and fulfilling. Often people looking in on the lifestyles of our service users find them intimidating, disorientating and full of risk – it should be no surprise that the same is true the other way around. For our service users who are looking into employment, education and stable accommodation, what they often see is a very unfamiliar culture and environment that they are unable to navigate.

Handcrafted helps to bridge this gap. It’s a middle ground between work and leisure where our service users are building confidence, self-esteem, working relationships, responsibilities, a sense of achievement. As a natural consequence of this and armed with the skills necessary to make this transition our service users are developing goals and ambitions and making plans for the futures that they are beginning to see as a reality for themselves.

Joe K, Fair Chance Project, Oasis Aquila Housing