Handcrafted trainee sawing wood in a workshop

& Refugees

We work with unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people to support them to transition to adult life in the UK, feeling fully supported, equipped, and confident of their independent and sustainable capability to flourish.

We foster a supportive community of friends across nationalities through weekly gathered activities, such as football, cricket, and dinners. These regular events create a positive shared space for socialising, getting active, and having fun! During the week, we also support UASCs with cultural and religious access to halal shops, churches, and mosques. At times of celebration, we all come together to join in the festivities, often with lots of food!

Housing is a key element of our support for UASCs. We welcome each person into a place they can call home, encouraging them to decorate their rooms to their own tastes and explore their local area. These houses, shared with a few other UASCs, offer comfort and stability throughout what can be a challenging period of asylum claims and settling into the UK. This housing and support mitigates against isolation and empowers young people to take steps towards living independently.

We help each young person to develop their confidence and competence in English. This can involve helping them to enrol in an English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL) course and encouraging consistent positive engagement with college. We also offer additional ESOL gathered classes for those who are not in college or desire extra support, providing an alternative learning environment that is consciously trauma-informed. For those with Leave to Remain, we promote appropriate employment opportunities and further studies, led by each young person’s own aspirations.

Outings to the beach, bowling, climbing, go-karting, and more are a highlight of our work supporting UASCs. Opportunities for fun, build up beneficial childhood experiences, allowing each UASC to find hobbies they love, grow in their skills, and simply enjoy themselves!

Image depicting someone helping another person up a mountain


I work as a prolific offender coordinator within police and my role is to reduce re-offending, I work with offenders who have been within court and prison system for numerous years.

Handcrafted has been instrumental in providing training, skills and support to help these most chaotic offenders in the local community. To a lot of people going to work each day would be a normal part of life. The majority of the prolific offenders within the offender management unit have very little or in some cases no work experience.

Handcrafted have provided the opportunity to build their confidence, self-belief, working with others and learning a trade. They get a huge sense of achievement working on various projects within Handcrafted. The staff are always very supportive and Handcrafted has become a valuable partner agency.

Simon H, Durham Constabulary