A woman working on a woodwork project in the Handcrafted workshop

Beliefs & Values

A person using pyrography to draw the Handcrafted logo on some wood

All the work of this charity is freely available to everyone, regardless of their beliefs or any other differences. We do not have an expectation that people will engage with any faith-related activities.

What we believe

Our approach is founded on the following beliefs:

  • We believe that everyone is created with value and purpose, and everyone can create things with value and purpose.
  • We want to share a radical vision of people turning their lives around and starting to contribute to society rather than taking from others.
  • We believe that every person has a role to play and there is a value in our differences. We have found that we live better when we work together.
  • We want to reach out to people with an empathetic and compassionate approach, like Jesus did. We believe Jesus came down to our level, lived a life like ours and took on our struggles and pain.
  • We are unconditionally loved and so we love others unconditionally.
  • We believe that we have been shown unlimited compassion and forgiveness. We therefore seek to give everybody the opportunity to have a fresh start.

Our values

Our beliefs inform our 4 key values which are essential to our approach:

  • Creativity

    Everyone can make something to be proud of

  • Empathy

    We will walk through challenges together, shoulder to shoulder

  • Empowerment

    Everyone can learn to take back control in their lives

  • Community

    We accept people just as they are, and we support each other

Image depicting someone helping another person up a mountain


I have referred a number of offenders to Handcrafted.  The offenders can attend the project several times per week if they wish to, if not daily. This means that they have some where to go and something constructive to do with their time. They can learn new skills or continue to develop skills they already have. They are given the opportunity to try projects they would probably never have considered themselves able to do.

They all take great pride in the items they produce and some have expressed interest in forming their own small businesses on the back of the skills they have learned.

Most of my offenders have then begun to work on their own projects outside of Handcrafted, for example, one produced a bench for a new nature reserve. The offender stated that he feels he has left a legacy for other people to benefit from. Again, this gives them something constructive to do with their time, gives them a sense of pride and self worth. All of this is extremely positive for the offender and helps to deter from further offending.

Lesley G, Durham Constabulary