From social isolation to contributing in the community
We have had significant success working with people facing social isolation. This is often men over 50 who are struggling with their mental health due to long-term unemployment, family breakdown or offending history.
We have been working with Gavin for several years since he was living in temporary hostel accommodation. Gavin is very isolated with no support from family or friends. He is unable to re-enter the labour market and his daily life is being increasingly impacted by symptoms of Dementia.
He engaged well with the woodwork; he has expanded his skills over time and takes great pride in making things for other people. We were able to provide housing for Gavin, along with person-centred support which has made it sustainable for him to live independently. We have found that our side-by-side approach, has empowered Gavin to improve his mental wellbeing through increased social and creative activity.