A group of Handcrafted trainees having a discussion in a cafe

Our Trainees

Handcrafted aims to empower those who have been disadvantaged or faced social exclusion due to crime, alcohol or substance abuse, poor mental or physical health, unemployment, or having experienced abuse or been in the care system.

We work with individuals to help them make positive steps to turn their lives around, be part of a community and start to give back. We welcome everyone into our community, regardless of background, and help them see the value they bring.

Individuals that engage with us and use our services are referred to as trainees, as opposed to beneficiaries or service users. This is part of our approach of encouraging self-worth and empowerment.

Image depicting someone helping another person up a mountain


I work as a prolific offender coordinator within police and my role is to reduce re-offending, I work with offenders who have been within court and prison system for numerous years.

Handcrafted has been instrumental in providing training, skills and support to help these most chaotic offenders in the local community. To a lot of people going to work each day would be a normal part of life. The majority of the prolific offenders within the offender management unit have very little or in some cases no work experience.

Handcrafted have provided the opportunity to build their confidence, self-belief, working with others and learning a trade. They get a huge sense of achievement working on various projects within Handcrafted. The staff are always very supportive and Handcrafted has become a valuable partner agency.

Simon H, Durham Constabulary