A man preparing some food in a kitchen

Who We Support

A woman doing woodwork in the Handcrafted workshop

Open to everyone

Handcrafted is a community open to everyone. We work with some of the most marginalised people in society, regardless of their backgrounds.

Our trainees face multiple disadvantages such as homelessness, addictions, poor mental and physical health, long-term unemployment, offending history, fleeing domestic violence, and leaving local authority care. Many of them experience multiple of these needs which interact in complex ways.

A woman making a garment on a sewing machine

Priority Groups

Based on our experience of working in the North-East for the past 12 years, we have 4 key priority groups for whom we have developed specialist provision:

Image depicting someone helping another person up a mountain


I have been able to make a number of referrals to Handcrafted of local individuals who have been out of work for quite some time, and who lack self-confidence and experience. It is a very nurturing environment, which enables people to grow not only in a skill (such as woodwork), but to also grow as individuals.

Handcrafted builds the confidence and self-worth of everyone they engage with, and provide a second to none experience.

Philippa G, Groundworks